Obituary of Steven Owen Buckner

Steven Owen Buckner of Apache, Oklahoma was born August 29, 1975 to Robert E. and D. Loretta (Comanche) Buckner. He passed away in Lawton, OK on July 31st at the age of 36.

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Indian Census Roll Indexes

If you are researching your native american genealogy, you are likely to find your ancestors on one of the following rolls, if your ancestor was an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe.

Changes in the Indian Census Rolls Index

The records recorded in Indian census rolls changed over time. Between 1928 to 1930 the Indian Census was significantly changed.The Act of July 4, 1884, (23 Stat. 76, 98) was vague, saying, “That hereafter each Indian agent be required, in … Continue reading

Meaning of census roll numbers and the concept of tribal enrollment

The roll numbers recorded for individuals in early Indian census rolls changed over time. It is clear that by 1930, there was an accepted concept of “enrollment” being employed, even though there were no official membership enrollment lists existing for … Continue reading

A Love Letter from Geronimo

Within months of his exile, Geronimo began to communicate with his wives through interpreter George Wratten. Wratten apparently sold his private letters to the newspapers, or at least one. Dictated to Wratten, the following letter was published as “A Love … Continue reading

Choctaw Freedmen Surnames H – K

This is an index of the names of the Choctaw Freedmen, surnames F-G. This pertains to the former slaves of the Choctaw Nation in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)and does not include the names of the Mississippi Choctaws or those ofany … Continue reading

Choctaw Freedmen Surnames F – G

This is an index of the names of the Choctaw Freedmen, surnames F-G. This pertains to the former slaves of the Choctaw Nation in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)and does not include the names of the Mississippi Choctaws or those ofany … Continue reading

Dawes Rolls of Choctaw Freedmen Surnames C -D- E

This is an index of the names of the Choctaw Freedmen,(surnames C – E). This pertains to the former slaves of the Choctaw Nation in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)and does not include the names of the Mississippi Choctaws or those … Continue reading

Dawes Rolls of Choctaw Freedmen – Surnames A to B

This is an index of the names of the Choctaw Freedmen listed with their Roll numbers. This pertains to the former slaves of the Choctaw Nation of Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) and does not include the names of the Mississippi … Continue reading