Chickasaw Genealogy Resources

The Chickasaw History & Culture Research Center features Chickasaw and Southeastern genealogy and oral history workshops, digitization events, lecture series, conferences, roundtables and book signings.

The climate and light-controlled artifact storage room protects genealogy records, photo archives and historic documents. All guests are welcome to visit the Research Center, and anyone is invited to make appointments to explore their ancestry.

If you would like to make an appointment to view genealogy records, request research information or learn more about the Research Center, please call 580-622-7130 or email or

For additional research or to browse the online catalog, visit

Article Index:

Who were the Chickasaw ancestors?

The Chickasaw  and the Choctaw were once one people, and migrated from west of the Mississippi River into present-day Mississippi in prehistoric times. The Chickasaw and Choctaw split along the way.